What is the Gospel?
ALL are sinful: The gospel is God's restoration plan in Jesus. The Bible teaches that ALL men have rebelled and sinned against God; therefore ALL men are separated from God. Separation from God includes all the chaos, destruction and violence that we all experience in this life. We ALL have participated in sin and rebellion against God, therefore, the Bible teaches that we ALL are condemned to death.
God sent Jesus: But the Bible also teaches that God is love; and that He does not want people to die and be separated from Him forever. Therefore, God became a Man in the Person of Jesus to bear the burden of ALL people's sin. Jesus then rose from the dead, appearing to many people before He ascended into heaven.
ALL can be restored: The Bible teaches that Jesus' death on the cross was a substitutionary death for ALL sinful men, and that whoever believes in Jesus, repents from their sin, and commits to following Jesus, will receive forgiveness of sin and life-restoration in Christ. Not only this, but the Christ-follower is also promised the gift of eternal life in a resurrected body; meaning death is not the end for the Christ-follower. For the Christ-follower, there is a paradise awaiting in the next life, where God will dwell in peace and harmony with restored humanity; just like God originally intended! Sin brought death, but Jesus restores life!
"We believe the message of Jesus is the primary means by which God restores sin-broken lives! " -Joel Belcher